Laser‐assisted current‐injection treatment, also known as Laser Enhanced Contact Optimization (LECO), has great potential to reduce the front contact resistance and metal‐induced recombination of n‐type tunnel oxide passivated contact (n‐TOPCon) solar cells, thereby improving the cell efficiency. Herein, we investigate the interfacial Ag–Si contact characteristics on boron‐doped p+ emitters and the electrical properties of industrial n‐TOPCon solar cells that feature a LECO treatment and a specific Ag paste and compare them with those of n‐TOPCon solar cells with a standard Ag/Al paste process. LECO causes some Current Fired Contacts (CFCs) that, when removed by sequential selective etching, leave bowl‐shaped imprints on the emitter, indicating that isotropic alloying behavior occurs between Ag and Si at these local positions during LECO. Unlike the standard Ag/Al metallization process, the LECO process does not significantly damage the passivation layer or emitter. More interestingly, the n‐TOPCon solar cells prepared with the specific Ag paste did not initially form an effective metal‐semiconductor contact, with an average efficiency of only 0.14%, which increased to 25.65% after LECO treatment, even 0.2%abs higher than that of the reference counterparts with standard Ag/Al electrodes. Ultimately, a physical model of LECO‐induced Ag–Si contact formation on boron emitters is proposed.This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.