Research on the relationship between the elements and pharmacological activities in velvet antler using factor analysis and cluster analysis AIP Conference Proceedings 1829, 020005 (2017) Abstract. The effect of welding thermal process on the electrochemical corrosion of Q315NS in H 2 SO 4 and HCl solution were investigated. Different weld thermal cycles with different peak temperatures were used in a Gleeble thermal-force simulation testing machine to simulate weld HAZ, and electrochemical measurements were carried out. The results demonstrate that a microstructure of granular bainite was generated in CGHAZ while others consisted of ferrite and pearlite. The electrochemical corrosion of different HAZ was different in H 2 SO 4 and HCl, due to different microstructure. The BM and HAZs in 50 wt. % H 2 SO 4 solution has a certain passivation behavior, while there was no passivation behavior in 3.5 wt. % HCl solution. The corrosion resistances in HAZs are inferior to that in BM. In addition, the corrosion resistance in the CGHAZ is the weakest.