The National Reactor Innovation Center was established by the U.S. Department of Energy to accelerate the demonstration and deployment of advanced nuclear reactors. To meet this mission, the National Reactor Innovation Center has developed the Laboratory for Operations and Testing in the U.S. (LOTUS) to support the first fast-spectrum molten salt reactor demonstration. The goal of this research is to understand the system requirements that may be applied to a molten salt reactor experiment in the LOTUS test bed and to perform systems analyses and preconceptual development of a storage container for the management of the irradiated molten salt fuel. This study proposes a set of irradiated fuel salt management processes for the molten salt reactor, from defueling to storage or disposal. For that, the historic Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has served as a crucial source of data for a mock application.This paper proposes a potential geometry for storing irradiated fuel salt based on MSRE data and the Monte Carlo N-Particle radiation transport code. The geometry was analyzed for criticality safety under abnormal situations, such as water ingress and interaction between containers. Based on the determined configuration of the storage system, the decay heat produced from the irradiated fuel salts was calculated to provide a reasonable time scale of the dormancy period. Using the same geometry assumed above, the neutron and gamma dose rates from the irradiated fuel salt at the end of the dormancy period were estimated, which will be useful for understanding the handling and radiation protection requirements for handling the irradiated fuel salt.Lastly, a reactor in the LOTUS test bed could use chloride-based fuel as opposed to the fluoridebased fuel used in MSRE. Thus, a literature study provided data to understand the similarities and differences between the characteristics of fluoride-and chloride-based salts in terms of salt chemistry, material characteristics, postirradiation behavior, neutronics, thermal hydraulics, and heat removal. This study, together with the proposed irradiated fuel salt management processes, preliminary criticality calculations, decay heat, and dose rate estimates, provides a strong basis for future investigation into the management of irradiated fuel salts generated during molten salt reactor technology demonstrations.