Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) is a very commonly encountered urogynaecological entity in developing countries such as India. The most common cause of VVF in developing counties is secondary to obstructive labour. We report a very unusual case of VVF in a young woman that developed due to insertion of an unknown vaginal herb for treatment of primary infertility. Cystoscopy showed a single trigonal fistula measuring 3×2 cm just near the bladder neck. Vaginoscopy revealed cicatrised less capacious vagina and unhealthy vaginal mucosa. She was treated with transvaginal VVF repair using Martius flap interposition which leaked on 10th postoperative day. She underwent re-evaluation and another transvaginal fistula repair for small trigonal residual fistula after 3 months. She is doing well during the follow-up of 2 years. She attained sexual activity after 3 months of surgical repair but could not conceive.