“…That is, corruption serves as an added “tax” on formal sector production (Berdiev, Goel, and Saunoris 2018; Buehn and Schneider ; Dreher and Siemers ), thereby increasing the costs of participating in the formal sector (Aidis, Estrin, and Mickiewicz ; Johnson et al ; Johnson, Kaufmann, and Shleifer ). Accordingly, entrepreneurs, in response to bribe demands, may choose to cease production completely if the corruption tax exceeds expected benefits, or alternatively they may decide to circumvent dealing with corrupt agents by moving their operations to the shadow sector (Berdiev and Saunoris ; Berdiev, Saunoris, and Schneider 2018; Friedman et al ; Hibbs and Piculescu ; Hindriks, Keen, and Muthoo ; Johnson et al ; Johnson, Kaufmann, and Shleifer ; Johnson, Kaufmann, and Zoido‐Lobaton )…”