In this paper, we reassess the link between corruption, economic growth, and inflation. To this end, we build an endogenous growth model with transaction costs in which a corruption sector allows households evading from taxation. Several results emerge. First, seigniorage acts as a tax on corruption and therefore allows reducing the aggregate level of corruption in equilibrium. Second, corruption increases both the growth-maximizing and the welfare-maximizing seigniorage rate. Third, corruption can be identified as an autonomous channel of nonsuperneutrality of money. Fourth, our model exhibits a U-shaped relation between corruption and inflation, contrasting with previous literature. On this last point, an empirical investigation based on a structural threshold regression framework confirms the predictions of the theoretical model. 1 | INTRODUCTION In many countries, corruption 1 within the public administration remains an important cause of poor macroeconomic performance. In particular, corruption is often viewed as detrimental for eco