This research is quantitative research with a survey method that aims to obtain and determine the level of perception, namely on situational factors, perception factors, and object factors with research subjects namely women in 34 provinces in Indonesia. The sample in this study was women with an age range of 16 to 45 years with a total sample of 1,171 respondents and the distribution of research questionnaires was carried out online. The research finds that the situation factor which became the first indicator in this study, there were six questions given with an average of 78.62 or in the very good category range. The second indicator is the perception factor with eight questions that get an average of 60.34 so that it is included in the good category. The third indicator is the object factor with six questions that have a higher average value of 88.82 with an excellent category. This shows that the index of women’s perceptions of corruption cases in Indonesia has a very good index on the object factor, a good index on the situation factor, and a good index on the perception factor. However, women in Indonesia also perceive corruption as a normal thing and it has even become a culture in people’s lives. Therefore, it can be interpreted that corruption cases become objects or targets of events that are very influential in the minds or perceptions of women in Indonesia.