Afferent input from the periphery to the cortex contributes to the control of grasping. How sensory input is gated along the ascending sensory pathway and its functional role during gross and fine grasping in humans remain largely unknown. To address this question, we assessed somatosensory-evoked potential components reflecting activation at subcortical and cortical levels and psychophysical tests at rest, during index finger abduction, precision, and power grip. We found that sensory gating at subcortical level and in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1), as well as intracortical inhibition in the S1, increased during power grip compared with the other tasks. To probe the functional relevance of gating in the S1, we examined somatosensory temporal discrimination threshold by measuring the shortest time interval to perceive a pair of electrical stimuli. Somatosensory temporal discrimination threshold increased during power grip, and higher threshold was associated with increased intracortical inhibition in the S1. These novel findings indicate that humans gate sensory input at subcortical level and in the S1 largely during gross compared with fine grasping. Inhibitory processes in the S1 may increase discrimination threshold to allow better performance during power grip. Most of our daily life actions involve grasping. Here, we demonstrate that gating of afferent input increases at subcortical level and in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) during gross compared with fine grasping in intact humans. The precise timing of sensory information is critical for human perception and behavior. Notably, we found that the ability to perceive a pair of electrical stimuli, as measured by the somatosensory temporal discrimination threshold, increased during power grip compared with the other tasks. We propose that reduced afferent input to the S1 during gross grasping behaviors diminishes temporal discrimination of sensory processes related, at least in part, to increased inhibitory processes within the S1.