We proposed that cortical organization for the execution of adequate licking in cats was processed under the control of two kinds of affiliated groups for face and jaw & tongue movements (Hiraba H, Sato T. 2005A. Cerebral control of face, jaw, and tongue movements in awake cats: Changes in regional cerebral blood flow during lateral feeding Somatosens Mot Res 22:307-317). We assumed the cortical organization for face movements from changes in MRN (mastication-related neuron) activities recorded at area M (motor cortex) and orofacial behaviors after the lesion in the facial SI (facial region in the primary somatosensory cortex). Although we showed the relationship between facial SI (area 3b) and area M (area 4delta), the property of area C (area 3a) was not fully described. The aim of this present study is to investigate the functional role of area C (the anterior part of the coronal sulcus) that transfers somatosensory information in facial SI to area M, as shown in a previous paper (Hiraba H. 2004. The function of sensory information from the first somatosensory cortex for facial movements during ingestion in cats Somatosens Mot Res 21:87-97). We examined the properties of MRNs in area C and changes in orofacial behaviors after the area C or area M lesion. MRNs in area C had in common RFs in the lingual, perioral, and mandibular parts, and activity patterns of MRNs showed both post- and pre-movement types. Furthermore, cats with the area C lesion showed similar disorders to cats with the area M lesion, such as the dropping of food from the contralateral mouth, prolongation of the period of ingestion and mastication, and so on. From these results, we believe firmly the organization of unilateral cortical processing in facial SI, area C, and area M for face movements during licking.