The correspondence problem in motion perception is concerned with how the visual system establishes pairwise correspondences between the elements belonging to one set of simultaneously presented, discrete elements and those belonging to a subsequent, second set of simultaneously presented elements. The "problem" arises when there is the possibility of different combinations of correspondence matches, and therefore, competing motion paths for each element (Attneave, 1974;Kolers, 1972). The "solution" entails establishing which of the alternative motion paths is perceived. In this study we examined "minimal mapping theory" (Ullman, 1979) as the basis for solving the motion correspondence problem and propose an alternative that depends on the differential activation of directionally selective motion detectors that respond selectively to the competing motions.According to minimal mapping theory, whether or not a match is established between an element ("correspondence token") presented during one time interval and an element ("correspondence token") presented during the following time interval depends on stimulus attributes that affect the affinity of the pair of elements. Some attributes, like interelement distance and element similarity, directly affect affinity. Elements that are near each other have stronger affinity than elements that are further apart, leading to the "nearest neighbor" solution to the motion correspondence problem (e.g., Burt & Sperling, 1981;Hock, Kelso, & Schöner, 1993;Shechter, Hochstein, & Hillman, 1988;Ullman, 1979). Other stimulus attributes neither increase nor decrease affinity. Instead, they "equate" the effects of affinity on correspondence strength that arise from other attributes; for example, long interframe intervals between the presentation of the elements reduce differences in correspondence strength due to differences in the distance between the elements.The minimal mapping solution to the correspondence problem, the determination of the motion path perceived when more than one path is possible, then depends on local competition (interaction) modifying the correspondence strengths established by stimulus-determined element affinities. Both split competition (when an element presented during one time interval has possible matches with two or more elements presented during the next time interval) and fusion competition (when two or more elements presented during one time interval have the same element as a possible match during the next time interval) affect the ultimate strength of element correspondences. However, the effectiveness of local inhibitory competition depends on there being differences in affinity for the pairs of elements defining the alterna-
847Copyright 2001 Psychonomic Society, Inc.We thank Gregor Schöner, Cynthia Park, and three anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments. Correspondence should be addressed to H. Hock, Department of Psychology, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431 (e-mail: The correspondence problem arises in...