Synaptic connectivity between neocortical neurons is highly structured. The network structure of 11 synaptic connectivity includes first-order properties that can be described by pairwise statistics, such as 12 strengths of connections between different neuron types and distance-dependent connectivity, and 13 higher-order properties, such as an abundance of cliques of all-to-all connected neurons. The relative 14 impact of first-and higher-order structure on emergent cortical network activity is unknown. Here, we 15 compare network structure and emergent activity in two neocortical microcircuit models with different 16 synaptic connectivity. Both models have a similar first-order structure, but only one model includes 17 higher-order structure arising from morphological diversity within neuronal types. We find that such 18 morphological diversity leads to more heterogeneous degree distributions, increases the number of 19 cliques, and contributes to a small-world topology. The increase in higher-order network structure is 20 accompanied by more nuanced changes in neuronal firing patterns, such as an increased dependence of 21 pairwise correlations on the positions of neurons in cliques. Our study shows that circuit models with 22 very similar first-order structure of synaptic connectivity can have a drastically different higher-order 23 network structure, and suggests that the higher-order structure imposed by morphological diversity 24 within neuronal types has an impact on emergent cortical activity. 25 1 50 this gap. An algorithmic approach uses available data to generate synaptic connectivity in a neocortical 51 microcircuit model with diverse morphologies (Reimann, King, Muller, Ramaswamy, & Markram, 52 2015). When simulated, this neocortical microcircuit model (NMC-model, Figure 1A1) can reproduce an 53 2 array of in vivo-like neuronal activity (Markram et al., 2015), and allow us to compare and manipulate 54 detailed, predicted structure and function.
55Here, we utilize a recent finding that first-order connectivity is largely constrained by morphological 56 diversity between neuronal types, and higher-order connectivity by morphological diversity within 57 neuronal types (Reimann, Horlemann, Ramaswamy, Muller, & Markram, 2017). Both aspects are 58 captured by the NMC-model, leading to a biologically realistic micro-structure (Gal et al., 2017). By 59 connecting neurons according to average axonal and dendritic morphologies (axonal and dendritic 60 clouds, Figure 1A2), we create a control circuit (the cloud-model), that has very similar first order 61 structure, but reduced higher-order structure. We find that this reduced higher-order structure-caused by 62 disregarding morphological diversity within neuronal types-includes more homogeneous degree 63 distributions, reduced in-degrees at the bottom of layer six, fewer cliques, and decreased small-world 64 topology. When we simulate and compare the electrical activity in the two circuit models, we find that 65 the changes in higher-order connectivity...