Seventy five (75) infant patients, from 3-15 years old, clinically diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder exhibited disconnected brain with social isolation (80%), hyperconnected children (5%), creative child (Asperger syndrome) (10%), stereotyped movements of hands and body trunk (10%), hyperactivity and attention deficit (10%), language disorders such as delay in the onset of language or early vocalization, regressive changes of language, mutism, gestual language, escatologic language, digital language (5%), learning and memory deficit (10%), psychomotor delay (5%), behavioral changes, such as aggresivity and autoagressivity (10%), tactile hypersensitivity, crisis of cry (1%), separation anxiety (1%), mood disorders such as anxiety and depression (3%), photofobia (1%), loss of weight, (1%), routinised patterns of though and fantastic thoughts (2%).The following associated comorbidities: perinatal hypoxia, low weight at birth, behavioral abnormities, anxiety, auto-and heteroagressivity, hyperphagia, learning and hearing disorders, mainly hyperacusia, social isolation, cognitive deficit, sleeping disorders and parenteral abuse of child. Some non-nervous system comorbidities, such as allergic reaction, bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis also were found. Some locomotor abnormalities as genus valgo and flat feet were also observed. The mothers exhibited some of the followings diseases during pregnancy: urinary infections, behavioral disturbances like anxiety, fobias, hyperactivity, toxoplasmosis and Zika virus infections, hyperemesis, oligohydramnios and lost of amniotic fluid, twin pregnancy, pre-eclampsia, aging placenta, cesarean surgery, high blood pressure, maternal sepsis, diabetes, hepatic coma, hypotiroidism, viral hepatitis, obesity, and social parenteral problems, such as excessive work, low economy and poor social conditions, environmental contamination and labor and conjugal stress.