Forgaard CJ, Franks IM, Maslovat D, Chin L, Chua R. Voluntary reaction time and long-latency reflex modulation. J Neurophysiol 114: 3386 -3399, 2015. First published November 4, 2015 doi:10.1152/jn.00648.2015.-Stretching a muscle of the upper limb elicits short (M1) and long-latency (M2) reflexes. When the participant is instructed to actively compensate for a perturbation, M1 is usually unaffected and M2 increases in size and is followed by the voluntary response. It remains unclear if the observed increase in M2 is due to instruction-dependent gain modulation of the contributing reflex mechanism(s) or results from voluntary response superposition. The difficulty in delineating between these alternatives is due to the overlap between the voluntary response and the end of M2. The present study manipulated response accuracy and complexity to delay onset of the voluntary response and observed the corresponding influence on electromyographic activity during the M2 period. In all active conditions, M2 was larger compared with a passive condition where participants did not respond to the perturbation; moreover, these changes in M2 began early in the appearance of the response (ϳ50 ms), too early to be accounted for by voluntary overlap. Voluntary response latency influenced the latter portion of M2, with the largest activity seen when accuracy of limb position was not specified. However, when participants aimed for targets of different sizes or performed movements of various complexities, reaction time differences did not influence M2 period activity, suggesting voluntary activity was sufficiently delayed. Collectively, our results show that while a perturbation applied to the upper limbs can trigger a voluntary response at short latency (Ͻ100 ms), instruction-dependent reflex gain modulation remains an important contributor to EMG changes during the M2 period. long-latency reflex; M2; StartReact effect; superposition; reaction time FAST PERTURBATIONS APPLIED to the upper limbs can elicit stereotypical, electromyographic (EMG) responses in the stretched muscle. The first response (M1) occurs at short latency (ϳ25-50 ms) and reflects input from a spinal reflex pathway (Liddell and Sherrington 1924). This is followed by a longer latency (ϳ50