Early-life stress has been shown to destabilize the homeostatic synaptic plasticity and compromise the developing brain to the later encountered insults. This study would determine the long-term epileptogenic effect of neonatal isolation (NI) on early-life seizure. There were five groups: normal rearing (NR) rats; NI rats; NR rats suffering from status epilepticus (SE) at P12 (NR-SE); NI-SE rats; NI-SE-MK801 rats. All adult rats were video monitored to detect behavioral seizures, examined with brain magnetic resonance imaging, and assessed for hippocampal NeuN-immunoreactive (NeuN-IR) cells. Behavioral seizures were detected in one of six NR-SE rats, all the NI-SE rats (eight of eight), and none in the NR, NI, or NI-SE-MK801 rats. High hippocampal T2 signal were only found in three of five NR-SE rats, five of six NI-SE rats, and one of five NI-SE-MK801 rats. There was a significant decrease in the number of hippocampal NeuN-IR cells in the NR-SE and NI-SE groups, compared with the NR group, and MK-801 treatment ameliorated the neuronal loss. Our results demonstrated that NI led to an increase in epileptogenesis in rat pups with early-life SE, and treatment with MK-801 could ameliorate brain injuries, indicating a critical role of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor in the epileptogenic process. (Pediatr Res 66: 441-447, 2009) S eizure is one of the most common pediatric emergencies with the highest incidence in the first year of life. Animal studies have demonstrated that early-life seizures differ essentially from seizures in the adult, including the seizure behaviors, the EEG features, and their consequences. Notwithstanding the higher susceptibility to seizures, the immature brain is less vulnerable to seizure-induced injuries than the mature brain (1-5), and diverse conditions, such as the seizure severity, causes of seizure, or precipitating injuries may affect the long-term neurologic outcome (6 -9). In this regard, the circumstances under which a seizure in immature brain can cause permanent brain damage is of great interest (9,10).In most studies published to date, early-life seizures are induced in the experimental animals under normal rearing (NR) and environmental conditions. For humans, however, most early-life seizures occur in premature and sick neonates (11-13) who are hospitalized and separated from their mothers, and hence, are under stress (14,15). Emerging evidence indicates early-life stress has enduring effects on the neuroendocrine system (16,17) and destabilizes homeostatic synaptic plasticity, particularly on the hippocampal neuroplasticity (18 -22). Stress or glucocorticoids (GCs) exposure potentiates the excitotoxic effect of concurrent neurologic insults (23), for example acceleration of kindling epileptogenesis (24), and change of seizure propensity (25). We have earlier demonstrated that rat pups subjected to repetitive neonatal isolation (NI) can exacerbate cognitive deficit and anxiety-like behaviors after recurrent seizures or status epilepticus (SE) (7,9,26). However, whe...