The hippocampal formation plays key roles in representing an animal's location and in detecting environmental novelty to create or update those representations. However, the mechanisms behind this latter function are unclear. Here, we show that environmental novelty causes the spatial firing patterns of grid cells to expand in scale and reduce in regularity, reverting to their familiar scale as the environment becomes familiar. Simultaneously recorded place cell firing fields remapped and showed a smaller, temporary expansion. Grid expansion provides a potential mechanism for novelty signaling and may enhance the formation of new hippocampal representations, whereas the subsequent slow reduction in scale provides a potential familiarity signal.single unit | spatial memory | hippocampus G rid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex (mEC) of freely moving rodents exhibit a striking triangular grid-like firing pattern (1). Although the grid patterns are anchored to familiar environmental cues (1, 2), their maintenance in darkness and across different environments (1, 3) suggests that they provide a constant metric for self-motion (1, 3-7). Place cells in hippocampal regions CA1 and CA3 tend to fire in single firing fields (8), coding for self-location within an environment. Place cells create novel representations for new environments ("remapping") (3, 9, 10) providing a neural substrate for memory; they show attractor dynamics (11-13) and long-term plasticity (14), and they become increasingly stable and focal with prolonged experience of an environment (15,16). In contrast, grid cells are thought to retain their regular spatial structure, scale, and position relative to other grids in novel environments (1, 3), changing only their orientation and spatial offset relative to the environment and showing a brief reduction in spatial stability (1). Grid cells (1,7,17), in conjunction with other environmental inputs (6,(18)(19)(20)(21), are thought to provide an important input to hippocampal place cells. Conversely, direct and indirect projections from CA1 to the deep layers of the mEC (22, 23) have been proposed as a possibly route by which extrinsic sensory information might reach grids (21), a view supported by developmental and inactivation studies (24-26). Together, these points raise questions about the relationship between entorhinal and hippocampal activity; for example: Does stable grid cell firing co-occur with labile place fields, and what drives place cell remapping?In experiment 1, we investigated grid cell firing on first exposure to a new environment and as it became increasingly familiar during trials conducted on the same day and then on subsequent days. In experiment 2, we replicated the experiment using different environments, while corecording grid cells and place cells from a second cohort of rats that had received bilateral mEC and hippocampal implants. Together, these experiments showed that grid cell firing patterns were spatially expanded and less regular in novel arenas than in a similarly size...