Yes. In a perturbed Friedmann model, the difference of the Hubble constants measured in two restframes is independent of the source peculiar velocity and depends only on the relative velocity of the observers, to lowest order in velocity. Therefore this difference should be zero when averaging over sufficient sources, which are at large enough distances to suppress local nonlinear inhomogeneity. We use a linear perturbative analysis to predict the Doppler effects on redshifts and distances. Since the observed redshifts encode the effect of local bulk flow due to nonlinear structure, our linear analysis is able to capture aspects of the nonlinear behaviour. Using the largest available distance compilation from CosmicFlows-3, we find that the data is consistent with simulations based on the concordance model, for sources at 20 − 150 Mpc.
I. INTRODUCTIONThe flat + vacuum dark energy (Λ) + cold dark matter model (LCDM) is widely regarded as the concordance model of cosmology, providing the best available phenomenological explanation for observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) [1] and the large-scale structure of the Universe (e.g. [2]).The fundamental pillars of the concordance model are General Relativity and the Cosmological Principle (CP), i.e. the assumption of large-scale statistical isotropy and homogeneity. Statistical isotropy is straightforward to test directly, for example via the temperature of the CMB, but direct tests of homogeneity are more difficult (see e.g. [3,4,5]).Here we consider an indirect test of the CP via measurements of the rate of expansion H 0 , averaged in spherical shells at increasing distances. The test is affected by the observer's position, which produces an observer velocity relative to the CMB frame. The CP implies that spherically-averaged H 0 measurements should not depend on the velocities of the sources or the observer, or on the distance of the sources, provided that they are distant enough to suppress the effect of coherent bulk flows induced by local nonlinear structure. Since measurements of H 0 are plagued by systematics, we mitigate this problem by determining the difference of Hubble constants in two rest-frames, which should be consistent with zero if the CP holds [6,7,8,9].We use the latest available data from the CosmicFlows-3 (CF3) distance compilation [10], which is roughly twice the size of CF2 [11], enabling an improved test of the CP and the concordance model. We check whether the H 0 difference in the CMB and the Local Group (LG) rest-frames (hereafter CRF and LRF), is compatible with cosmological distances based on a fiducial LCDM cosmology. In addition, we test how CRF-and LRF-like boosts applied in random directions affect the Hubble flow. This enables a practical test of the isotropy of H 0 . Any significant discrepancy in these two tests could be interpreted as a potential deviation from the concordance model due to a failure of the CP. In our analysis, we do not find evidence of such discrepancy.The paper is organised as follows: §II describe...