The dynamics of the tilted axisymmetric Bianchi IX cosmological models are explored allowing energy flux in the source fluid. The Einstein equations and the continuity equation are presented treating the equation of state w and the tilt angle of the fluid λ as time dependent functions, but when analysing the phase space w and λ are considered free parameters and the shear, the vorticity and the curvature of the spacetime span a three-dimensional phase space that contains seven fixed points. One of them is an attractor that inflates the universe anisotropically, thus providing a counter example to the cosmic no-hair conjecture. Also, examples of a realistic though fine-tuned cosmologies are presented wherein the rotation can grow significant towards the present epoch but the shear stays within the observational bounds. The examples suggest that the model used here can explain the parity-violating anomalies of the cosmic microwave background. The result significantly differs from an earlier study, where a non-axisymmetric Bianchi IX type with a tilted perfect dust source was found to induce too much shear for observationally significant vorticity.
I. INTRODUCTIONCosmological observations provide compelling evidence that our Universe at large scales is well described by the homogeneous, isotropic and spatially flat standard model called the ΛCDM [1]. The common explanation for this featurelessness is that inflation, while also at the same time giving birth to small initial seeds of structure, wipes out all inhomogeneities from the exponentially expanding background. Furthermore, even the initial structure generated by inflation seems to be of a vanilla nature, as the data remains consistent with primordial spectrum from quantum fluctuations of a single field with perfectly gaussian and isotropic statistical properties [2].However, not all the observational data comply with this picture, in particular the anomalies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) [3][4][5]. If of cosmological origin, these anisotropic statistical features in the temperature fluctuations of the CMB could be regarded as a hint of physics beyond the simplest ΛCDM parameterisation of cosmology. As the anomalies are most significant at the largest CMB angles [6], thus (roughly) corresponding to the scale of dark energy, it is natural to consider (slightly) imperfect fields in the present universe that could both accelerate the background expansion and generate the observed deviations from isotropy [7-9], see also e.g. [10][11][12][13][14]. On the other hand, the anisotropies could have been generated (or retained) by non-standard inflationary dynamics due to for example vector fields [15][16][17][18][19][20][21] or quadratic curvature corrections to gravity [22,23].However, such an anisotropic expansion during either the early (inflation) or the late (dark energy) accelerated stages of the universe, has a limited promise of actually explaining the CMB anomalies, because the latter are mainly parity-violating but shear does not distinguish handedn...