nucleus. The cross section for the production of such a coherent state should be enhanced by a factor of the order of the number of contributing states. The extreme assumption of perfect unitary symmetry implies an equivalence of nucleons and hyperons such that it costs the same energy to change a neutron to a A in any orbit. The SU(3) multiplets contain coherent linear combinations of all these states and also include states in which a nucleon is transformed into a Z as well. Because of symmetry breaking, the 2 component of the SU(3) analog state must clearly be rejected in view of the large Z-A mass difference, while the A component of the SU(3) state must be split by the difference between A-nucleon and nucleon-nucleon interactions. However, some coherence and enhancement may still remain if there are groups of states which are approximately degenerate. One should then expect to see some kind of a peak, possibly with some structure, in the pion spectrum at low momentum transfer in Reaction (1). The observed cross section should be smaller and the observed width greater than that predicted from pure SU(3) symmetry.Another reaction which might be of interest is This reaction has two outgoing charged particles which can be measured. This is analogous to the (p, 2p) experiments for probing nuclear structure. 5 The advantage of this type of reaction is that the angles and energies of the outgoing pions can be set at values corresponding to zero momentum transfer to the residual nucleus.Theoretical calculations for the energy generation processes in the sun predict 1 the production of B 8 in such quantities that a neutrino flux at earth of (2.5± 1)10 7 ^/cm 2 sec and end point of 14.06 MeV results from beta decay of this nuclide. It is of great interest to check this prediction since it relates to the entire theoretical picture of the sun's deep interior condition. To date, two methods of detection have been suggested, that of Davis 2 which employs a radiochemical technique to observe inverse beta decay of CI 37 , and the direct counting approach of Reines and Kropp 3 in which it is proposed to detect the recoil electron from elastically scattered solar neutrinos. The point of this communication is to discuss yet another approach to the problem, using inverse beta decay.It is desirable to measure the neutrino spectrum and the direction from which the signals emanate in order to label separately the source and the responsible reaction. The radiochemical approach is limited in that it gives the response averaged over a spectrum and with a time constant determined by the half-life of the product nucleus. Also in the radiochemical approach the direct association with the sun can only be made by use of the 7% annual inverse-square variation of intensity. The elastic-scattering experiment, although capable of fairly precise 4 (~15°) directional and energy determination (e.g., by using a multiplate spark 20