We present results from a numerical forward model to evaluate one-dimensional reduced power spectral densities (PSD) from arbitrary energy distributions in k-space. In this model, we can separately calculate the diagonal elements of the spectral tensor for incompressible axisymmetric turbulence with vanishing helicity. Given a critically balanced turbulent cascade with k ∼ k α ⊥ and α < 1, we explore the implications on the reduced PSD as a function of frequency. The spectra are obtained under the assumption of Taylor's hypothesis. We further investigate the functional dependence of the spectral index κ on the field-to-flow angle θ between plasma flow and background magnetic field from MHD to electron kinetic scales. We show that critically balanced turbulence asymptotically develops toward θ-independent spectra with a slope corresponding to the perpendicular cascade. This occurs at a transition frequency f 2D (L, α, θ), which is analytically estimated and depends on outer scale L, critical balance exponent α and field-toflow angle θ. We discuss anisotropic damping terms acting on the k-space distribution of energy and their effects on the PSD. Further, we show that the spectral anisotropies κ(θ) as found by Horbury et al. (2008) and Chen et al. (2010) in the solar wind are in accordance with a damped critically balanced cascade of kinetic Alfvén waves. We also model power spectra obtained by von Papen et al. (2014) in Saturn's plasma sheet and find that the change of spectral indices inside 9 R s can be explained by damping on electron scales.