We investigated the liquid water path and global solar irradiance (Q) at ground level according to the ICON model; CLOUDNET measurements in Lindenberg, Munich, and Jülich; and BSRN observations in Lindenberg. This research is focused on stratiform non-precipitating clouds. The liquid water path (LWP) is underestimated, while Q is overestimated. The lower LWP is due to liquid water content underestimation practically in all atmosphere layers and a lower frequency of liquid cloud occurrence compared to observations. This is partly associated with the structure of the cloud nucleation scheme of the ICON model and with the default cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) number concentration. An increase in CCNs from 250 cm−3 (typical background value for the region of interest) to 1700 cm−3 (characteristic of polluted continental clouds) leads to an increase in the grid-scale liquid water path by 40% and a decrease in Q by 12% in overcast conditions. However, we also showed that the liquid water path is not a key factor of Q overestimation. The main factor is an inaccurate description of the cloud spatial structure, where the correct prediction of the ratio of direct to global irradiance as a spatial characteristic of clouds plays a more important role than the standard cloud fraction.