We show that Dark Matter consisting of bosons of mass of about 1 eV or less has critical temperature exceeding the temperature of the universe at all times, and hence would have formed a Bose-Einstein condensate at very early epochs. We also show that the wavefunction of this condensate, via the quantum potential it produces, gives rise to a cosmological constant which may account for the correct dark energy content of our universe. We argue that massive gravitons or axions are viable candidates for these constituents. In the far future this condensate is all that remains of our universe.The basic contents of our universe in terms of Dark Matter (DM), Dark Energy (DE), visible matter and radiation, and also its accelerated expansion in recent epochs has been firmly established by a number of observations now [1][2][3][4]. However although DM constitutes about 25% and DE about 70% of all matter-energy content, the constituents of DM and the origin of a tiny cosmological constant, or DE, of the order of 10 −123 in Planck units, which drives this acceleration, remains to be understood. In this paper we show that if DM is assumed to consist of a gas of bosons of mass m, then for m ≤ 1eV , the critical temperature below which they will form a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) exceeds the temperature of the universe at all times. Therefore they would form such a condensate at very early epochs, in which a macroscopic fraction of the bosons fall to the ground state with little or no momentum and zero pressure, and therefore may be considered as viable candidates for cold DM (CDM). Further, via the quantum potential that it produces, the macroscopic wavefunction of the condensate gives rise to a positive cosmological constant in the Friedmann equation, whose magnitude depends on m, and for m ≃ 10 −32 eV , one obtains the observed value of the cosmological constant. Therefore bosons with this tiny mass can account for both DM and DE in our universe. We argue that massive gravitons or axions are viable candidates for these bosons. Finally we speculate on the ultimate fate of our universe, and end with some open problems.To compute the critical temperature of an ideal gas of bosons constituting DM, we first note that these must have a mass, however small, and with average interparticle distances (N/V ) −1/3 (where N = total number of bosons in volume V ) comparable or smaller than the * email: saurya.das@uleth.ca † email: bhaduri@physics.mcmaster.ca thermal de Broglie wavelength hc/k B T , such that quantum effects start to dominate. Identifying this temperature of a bosonic gas to the critical temperature T c (below which the condensate forms) we get k B T c ≃ hc(N/V ) 1/3 . A more careful calculation for ultra-relativistic noninteracting bosons with a tiny mass gives [5][6][7] In the above N = N B + N R , N B being the number of bosons in the BEC, and N R outside it, both consisting of bosons of small mass as discussed earlier, η is the polarization factor and ζ(3) ≈ 1.2. Also a is the cosmological scale factor, L = L 0 a i...