In this paper we study a dark energy model taking into account a non-linear interaction between the dark energy and dark matter components. The non-linear interaction term, used in this work, is proportional to the square of dark energy density. Considering a FRW type flat universe, we obtain an analytical expression for the Hubble parameter H and from this quantity, the deceleration parameter q and the equation of state parameter w Λ are analyzed. We found that, in this scenario, the accelerated expansion regime of the universe in late times is possible. However, using suitable values for the coupling constant, the square of the speed of sound remains negative, therefore, the model is unstable under small perturbations.Keywords: Dark Energy; Cosmology.
IntroductionThe accelerated expansion of the universe was discovered in 1998 from the analysis of astrophysical information obtained from the supernovae type Ia (SNIa) (basically, from measurement of luminosity distances) [1], as well as from the anisotropies observed in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation [2], and the study of the large scale structure (LSS) of the universe [3]. This accelerated expansion is consistent with the idea that the universe has an unknown form of energy density with negative pressure, so called dark energy (DE). The amount of DE in the universe is about 70% and the remaining 30% correspond to matter and radiation densities. A huge amount of DE models have been proposed in the literature [4,5,6], but until now, there is not a satisfactory explanation of this phenomenon. In the ΛCDM model, the role of DE is played by the cosmological constant Λ (vacuum energy), but this model has two main problems: the fine tuning problem and the coincidence problem [7].Recently, a different proposal has attracted considerable attention, a model which has its roots on the Veneziano ghost of QCD [8,9,10,11] and is known as QCD ghost dark energy [12]. The key ingredient of this new model is that