Early diagnosis is one of the pillars of the TB (TB) control, and there are strong efforts to detect and treat cases in Ethiopia. Smear microscopy testing has been a routine test for the diagnosis of pulmonary TB in resource-constrained settings for a long time. Recently, many countries, including Ethiopia, are scaling up the use of GeneXpert without a precise evaluation of the cost and cost-effectiveness of this technology. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of GeneXpert compared to smear microscopy tests for the diagnosis of TB patients in Ethiopia.
We develop a decision tree model using TreeAge Pro 2020 software. The model accounts for the prevalence and incidence of TB in the study area. The costs were estimated from the health providers' perspective in one year (in 2017/18). We applied an ingredients-based costing approach to identify, measure, and evaluate the smear microscopy cost and GeneXpert. We employed the 'proportion of cases detected' as an outcome measure of effectiveness. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was calculated by dividing the changes in cost and change effectiveness. One way and probabilistic sensitivity analysis were done by varying different input parameters. All costs and ICER are reported in 2018 US$.
The unit cost per test for GeneXpert and smear microscopy testing was US$12.9 and $3.1, respectively. The average cost of testing using GeneXpert was $113.0 and $3.3 for smear microscopy. The cost of the cartridge ($10.7) was the primary (83%) parameter influencing the overall cost of GeneXpert, while it was the cost of reagent and consumables $1.28 (41%) for the smear microscopy. The ICER for GeneXpert strategy was $729.8 per new TB cases detected compared to smear microscopy. The sensitivity analysis indicates that TB prevalence was the most influential parameter on the ICER.
The present study indicates that testing all individuals with suspected TB using GeneXpert is a very cost-effective strategy compared to smear microscopy, and therefore, it can be part of the routine diagnostic testing strategy in Ethiopia.