Abstract. Proper operation of the healthcare sector is essentially dependant on the way of its fi nancing. Th is article aims at analysing the process of implementing a publicprivate partnership (PPP) in the UK healthcare, because this country is the world's forerunner and leader in using this form in the execution of public tasks. Defi ning good practices used in the British model will enable the analysis of the PPP market in Polish healthcare, determination of its strong and weak sides, and identifi cation of possible ways for overcoming them. Th e reason for comparing British and Polish models is justifi ed by Britain's many years of experience in carrying out complex services by private subjects within public healthcare and is supported by the fact that both PPP implementation and organization of healthcare in the UK is recognized as exemplary all over the world. Th is thesis is based on the axiom that public-private partnership presents a chance to execute public tasks while limiting the use of funds that come from local authorities and the government.