Anaerobic digestion is a biological process that transforms high-strength organic effluents into biogas with multiple benefits. However, concurrent with organics' biological transformation, a liquid phase with a high solid content is also derived from this process. Valorizing this fraction is not an easy task if an agronomic application cannot be considered as a suitable option. The thermal valorization of this fraction allows for energy extraction, but also gives rise to additional capital investment and increases the energy demand of the global process. In addition, the thermal treatment of digestate has to deal with a mineralized material. The changes in organic matter due to anaerobic stabilization were studied in the present manuscript, by evaluating the thermal behavior of samples, activation energy and organic transformation using FTIR spectroscopy. Digested samples of a mixture composed of manure and glycerin (5% v/v) were studied. The stabilization caused a dramatic decrease in aliphatic compounds, greatly increasing the mineral content of the sample. Thermal valorization of digestates must consider the lower energy content and more complex structure of these materials, with higher content of lignin and protein-type compounds.