Helicobacter pylori has been linked to development of peptic ulcers and increases the risk of developing gastric carcinoma. Currently, about half of the world's population is infected with H. pylori, many of whom are older adults. Older adult populations often have multiple comorbidities that may mask dyspeptic signs and symptoms. The role of H. pylori and infective signs vary by age, and the confusing symptoms in older adult populations may delay detection and treatment of H. pylori. In addition, time of detection and appropriate treatment is paramount to prevent gastric pathology. Clinicians need to recognize and understand the importance of risk factors, screening, detection, and treatment of H. pylori, particularly in older adults. Earlier detection and more aggressive, proactive clinical recognition of dyspeptic signs and symptoms may lead to earlier screening and diagnosis of H. pylori in older adult populations and help decrease the frequency of gastric metaplasia.