In this work, we have computed the
exfoliation energy (the energy required to separate a single layer
from the bulk structure), the interlayer distance, and the thermodynamic
state functions for representative layered inorganic minerals such
as Brucite, Portlandite, and Kaolinite, while leaving the more classical
2D transition-metal dichalcogenides (like MoS
) for future
work. Such materials are interesting for several applications in the
field of adsorption and in prebiotic chemistry. Their peculiar features
are directly controlled by the exfoliation energy. In materials without
cations/anions linking different layers, the interactions keeping
the layers together are of weak nature, mainly dispersion London interactions
and hydrogen bonds, somehow challenging to deal with computationally.
We used Hartree–Fock (HF) and density functional theory (DFT)
approaches focusing on the role of dispersion forces using the popular
and widespread Grimme’s pairwise dispersion schemes (-D2 and
-D3) and, as a reference method, the periodic MP2 approach based on
localized orbitals (LMP2). The results are highly dependent on the
choice of the scheme adopted to account for dispersion interactions.
D2 and D3 schemes combined with either HF or DFT lead to overestimated
exfoliation energies (about 2.5 and 1.7 times higher than LMP2 data
for Brucite/Portlandite and Kaolinite) and underestimated interlayer
distances (by about 3.5% for Brucite/Portlandite). The reason is that
D2 and D3 corrections are based on neutral atomic parameters for each
chemical element which, instead, behave as cations in the considered
layered material (Mg, Ca, and Al), causing overattractive interaction
between layers. More sophisticated dispersion corrections methods,
like those based on nonlocal vdW functionals, many body dispersion
model, and exchange-hole dipole moment not relying on atom-typing,
are, in principle, better suited to describe the London interaction
of ionic species. Nonetheless, we demonstrate that good results can
be achieved also within the simpler D2 and D3 schemes, in agreement
with previous literature suggestions, by adopting the dispersion coefficients
of the preceding noble gas for the ionic species, leading to energetics
in good agreement with LMP2 and structures closer to the experiments.