This report consolidates previous recommendations and adds new ones for the prevention and control of infections with hepatitis viruses in correctional settings. These recommendations provide guidelines for juvenile and adult correctional systems regarding 1) identification and investigation of acute viral hepatitis; 2) preexposure and postexposure immunization for hepatitis A and hepatitis B; 3) prevention of hepatitis C virus infection and its consequences; 4) health education; and 5) release planning. Implementation of these recommendations can reduce transmission of infections with hepatitis viruses among adults at risk in both correctional facilities and the outside community. These recommendations were developed after consultation with other federal agencies and specialists in the fields of corrections, correctional health care, and public health at a meeting in Atlanta, March 5-7, 2001. This report can serve as a resource for correctional health, corrections, and public health professionals involved in planning and implementing health-care programs for incarcerated persons. Definitions Adolescent: Person aged >10 and <19 years. Adult: Person aged >19 years. Anti-HAV: Total antibody to hepatitis A virus (HAV) detected in serum of persons with acute or resolved HAV infection; indicates a protective immune response to infection, vaccination, and passively acquired antibody. Anti-HBc: Antibody to hepatitis B core antigen; positive test indicates past or current infection with HBV. Anti-HBs: Antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen; indicates immunity to HBV infection, either from HBV infection or immunization. Anti-HCV: Antibody to HCV; positive test indicates past or current infection with HCV. Arrestee: Person placed under arrest by law enforcement who has not been formally charged with a crime. MMWR January 24, 2003 TABLE 1. Estimated chronic infections with hepatitis viruses among inmates and releasees-United States, 1997 Chronic infection Hepatitis B virus Hepatitis C virus Source: Adapted from National Commission on Correctional Health Care. The health status of soon-to-be-released inmates: a report to Congress, 2002. Available at * Based on 1.7 million inmates in prisons and jails, 1997 (15). † Based on estimated 7.75 million unduplicated released inmates (2); A.