Next-generation sequencing NGS technologies using DN", RN", or methylation sequencing have impacted enormously on the life sciences. NGS is the choice for large-scale genomic and transcriptomic sequencing because of the high-throughput production and outputs of sequencing data in the gigabase range per instrument run and the lower cost compared to the traditional Sanger first-generation sequencing method. The vast amounts of data generated by NGS have broadened our understanding of structural and functional genomics through the concepts of omics ranging from basic genomics to integrated systeomics, providing new insight into the workings and meaning of genetic conservation and diversity of living things. NGS today is more than ever about how different organisms use genetic information and molecular biology to survive and reproduce with and without mutations, disease, and diversity within their population networks and changing environments. In this chapter, the advances, applications, and challenges of NGS are reviewed starting with a history of first-generation sequencing followed by the major NGS platforms, the bioinformatics issues confronting NGS data storage and analysis, and the impacts made in the fields of genetics, biology, agriculture, and medicine in the brave, new world of omics.Keywords: Next-generation sequencing, tools, platforms, applications, omics
. IntroductionNext-generation sequencing NGS refers to the deep, high-throughput, in-parallel DN" sequencing technologies developed a few decades after the Sanger DN" sequencing method first emerged in and then dominated for three decades [ , ]. The NGS technologies are different from the Sanger method in that they provide massively parallel analysis, extremely high-throughput from multiple samples at much reduced cost [ ]. Millions to billions of DN" © 2015 The A""hor(s). Licensee InTech. This chap"er is dis"rib""ed "nder "he "erms of "he Crea"ive Commons A""rib""ion License (h""p://crea", which permi"s "nres"ric"ed "se, dis"rib""ion, and reprod"c"ion in any medi"m, provided "he original work is properly ci"ed.nucleotides can be sequenced in parallel, yielding substantially more throughput and minimizing the need for the fragment-cloning methods that were used with Sanger sequencing [ ]. The second-generation sequencing methods are characterized by the need to prepare amplified sequencing libraries before undertaking sequencing of the amplified DN" clones, whereas third-generation single molecular sequencing can be done without the need for creating the time-consuming and costly amplification libraries [ ]. The parallelization of a high number of sequencing reactions by NGS was achieved by the miniaturization of sequencing reactions and, in some cases, the development of microfluidics and improved detection systems [ ]. The time needed to generate the gigabase Gb -sized sequences by NGS was reduced from many years to only a few days or hours, with an accompanying massive price reduction. For example, as part of the Human...