Humans need to eat good and balanced nutritious diet that provides calories for energy requirements andnutrients for proper growth, repair and maintenance of the body tissue. Today, busy lifestyle habitsdrastically changed the pattern of eating where students are more likely to have irregular meal times andthe cost of food may be expensive for them. Therefore, this study is conducted to find the minimum costthat satisfies the daily nutrient requirements. A linear programming (LP) model and goal programming(GP) model are formulated where the objective function is the total cost of food. Food prices werecollected from selected cafés in UiTM Perlis and the recommended daily nutrient intakes of 19-29 yearsold, male and female were obtained from the Ministry of Health Malaysia. The sample used in thisresearch consists of 10 most frequently consumed food items as decision variables. QM for Windows V5was used to determine minimum cost that satisfies the nutritional requirements. LP results, the minimumcost for male students is RM9.88 and for female students is RM9.10. Based on the GP results, the cost isRM9.00 for both male and female students. It is evident from the results that GP has achieved theminimum cost and the food basket for male students consists of 410g of rice, 140g of chicken, 42.9g ofbroccoli and 252.7g of mushroom. Meanwhile, the food basket for female students consists of 429g ofrice, 113.4g of chicken, 37.44g of broccoli and 321.3g of mushroom.
Keywords: Linear Programming Model, Goal Programming Model, Minimum Cost, Nutritional requirements, Optimization