Here we present survey of our numerical results concerning possible bifurcation in cosymmetric filtrational convection problem. We study bifurcations connected with existence of cycles of equilibria and scenarios for onset of unsteady regimes.Theory of cosymmetry was introduced by V.I. Yudovich to explain a phenomenon of existence of one-parameter family of stationary flows in the planar filtrational convection problem. It was shown [1] that the existence of such a family is due to the cosymmetry of the corresponding differential equations and the branching of cycle of equilibria (CE) is a typical bifurcation in cosymmetric dynamical system [2]. In [3,4,5] and in many other works of these authors the theory of cosymmetric bifurcations was developed.We Here, ψ(x, y, t) is the stream function, θ(x, y, t) is the deviation of the temperature from the (vertical) equilibrium profile, x and y are the Cartesian coordinates in the plane, t is time, and the subscript of a function denotes the corresponding derivative. The bifurcation parameter λ is the seepage Rayleigh number. The problem (1) has cosymmetry and a cycle of stable steadystate regimes branches out from the state of rest as a result of loss of stability. We investigate the problem (1) numerically by Galerkin method (see details in [7,9,10]). The special numerical technique for calculation of cosymmetric CE is described in [8]. The qualitative repetition of bifurcation and consistency of bifurcation parameter values was established by investigation of different dimensions Galerkin's models. We found practically all types of bifurcations studied theoretically in [1]-[5] and some new ones. In Fig. 1 we have plotted the critical curves corresponding to the different bifurcations as the vessel side ratio varies. The specifics of most of the bifurcations mentioned above are attributable to the cosymmetry of the problem considered.
Bifurcations of the families of stationary regimesFirstly we study onset of instability on the stable CE (see [6,7,9]). From Fig. 1 we can see that the first loss of stability on a single-parameter family of steady-state convective regimes differs in nature depending on the vessel geometry and may be both monotonic and oscillating and the instability can arise at two, four, six, or eight points. The discontinuities in the critical curves are due to the delay in loss of stability with respect to the parameter λ associated with the bifurcations of the families described below. After the onset of instability and the subsequent increase in the parameter λ the number of unstable regimes increases forming arcs on the family. A further increase in λ can lead to the formation of unstable regimes (both oscillatory and monotonic) on new segments of the family.The series of bifurcations of one-parameter families of equilibria was found out [8,9]: birth of a new family from already existing, intersection and join of equilibrium curve, origin of a cycle of equilibria 'from an air' etc. The bifurcations of families are connected with different equilibr...