What is the most significant result of this study? The conformational analysis under isolation conditions performed in this work offers the chance to compare the intrinsic properties of cotinine and nicotine. These two nicotinoids are structurally very similar but they differ in their affinity to the biological receptor.I n our work, we point out several differences between these two species regarding their conformations in the gas phase. First, cotinine displays ad istorted 3 T 2 configuration of the five-membered ring while nicotine corresponds to a 1 Ec onfiguration. Second, we observe an intramolecular interaction CÀH···O=Cf or cotinine while this is not the case for nicotine. Related to this last point is the detection of the internal rotation of the methyl group in cotinine, while this was not the case for the other nicotinoid. What was the inspiration for this cover design? The idea behind the research project is to perform ac omparison of the properties of cotinine and nicotine in the gas phase. That's why we decided to treat this subject as af ight opposing the two biomolecules. In this cover,w ep resent the two molecules as fighters who have to pit their strengths against each other.T od os o, they can make use of "powers" such as their affinityt ot he receptor and intra-molecular interactions. The layout of this cover is that of af ighting video game, with molecular properties displayed as life bars. What prompted you to investigate this topic/problem? Gas phase structural studies had been performed previously on several nicotinoids (such as nicotine), but never on cotinine. This could be due to the very low vapor pressure of the sample, which made it difficult to vaporize it to get ag as phase spectrum. However ,c otinine and nicotine being only different in the addition of aC =Og roup, we found in cotinine an ideal candidate to compare the conformational properties of both samples. Invited for the cover of this issue is the group of Emilio J. Cocinero at the University of the BasqueC ountry.T he image depicts af ight between two biomolecules, cotinine and nicotine. Read the full text of the article at