A B S T R A C T Severe oral problems, including oral mucositis (OM) and xerostomia, often occur after conditioning therapy for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Saliva plays a major role in protecting the oral mucosa and teeth. Alterations in salivary flow rate or salivary components resulting in decreased salivary defence mechanisms may affect oral/mucosal health and may influence the severity of OM. A systematic review was conducted to assess the current scientific knowledge on changes in salivary function and composition before and after HSCT. All English or Dutch articles examining salivary flow rate or salivary components before and after HSCT were included after title/abstract selection by 2 independent reviewers (weighted k = .91). After quality assessment and exclusion of all research groups with both children age <14 years and adults, 33 articles were included for data analysis. Overall, the salivary flow rate was decreased at several days and months after HSCT. Although several salivary components were studied, most components were examined in only 1 or 2 studies with different patient populations or at different time points after HSCT. At 7 days after HSCT, albumin and proinflammatory cytokines were increased, whereas secretory IgA and components of the salivary antioxidant system were decreased. Secretory IgA levels were still reduced at 1 month after HSCT but returned to pre-HSCT values at 6 months after HSCT. Lactoferrin, secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor, and b 2 -microglobulin levels were increased at 6 months after HSCT. Our findings show that changes in saliva reflect an inflammatory response occurring immediately after HSCT, followed by evidence of increased salivary antimicrobial defense mechanisms by 6 months after HSCT.