“…We preregistered five hypotheses on the Open Science Framework (https://osf.io/yz8p7/?view_only=db1781ee6ced49b89e3a6cf687613b30). The first three are main effects we intend to replicate: greater empirical discriminability for: (a) longer compared to shorter encoding time for a target's face (e.g., Mickes, 2015; Palmer et al, 2013), (b) lineups over showups (regardless of lineup size; Akan et al, 2021; Wooten et al, 2020), and (c) lineups with low‐similarity over high‐similarity fillers (Colloff et al, 2021; Lucas & Brewer, 2021). The first two predictions are robustly supported in the literature, but the prediction involving filler similarity is much more recent and therefore in need of further investigation.…”