Based on high-order harmonic generation (HHG) spectra obtained from solving the timedependent Schrödinger equation for atoms, we established quantitatively that the HHG yield can be expressed as the product of a returning electron wave packet and the photo-recombination cross sections, and the shape of the returning wave packet is shown to be largely independent of the species. By comparing the HHG spectra generated from different targets under identical laser pulses, accurate structural information, including the phase of the recombination amplitude, can be retrieved. This result opens up the possibility of studying the target structure of complex systems, including their time evolution, from the HHG spectra generated by short laser pulses.PACS numbers: 42.65. Ky, 33.80.Rv When an atom is subjected to a strong driving laser field, one of the most important nonlinear response processes is the generation of high-order harmonics. In the past decade, high-order harmonic generation (HHG) has been used for the production of single attosecond pulses [1,2,3] and attosecond pulse trains [4], thus opening up new opportunities for attosecond time-resolved spectroscopy. HHG is understood using the three-step model (TSM) [5,6,7] -first the electron is released by tunnel ionization; second, it is accelerated by the oscillating electric field of the laser and later driven back to the target ion; and third, the electron recombines with the ion to emit a high energy photon. A semiclassical formulation of the TSM based on the strong-field approximation (SFA) is given by Lewenstein et al [7]. In this model (often called Lewenstein model), the liberated continuum electron experiences the full effect from the laser field, but not from the ion that it has left behind. In spite of this limitation, the SFA model has been used quite successfully, in particular, for analysis of the attosecond synchronization of high harmonics, see Mairesse et al [8] and references therein. However, since the continuum electron recombines when it is near the parent ion, the neglect of electron-ion interaction in the SFA model is rather questionable.According to the TSM, the last step of HHG is analogous to the radiative recombination process in electronion collisions. Thus one may write the HHG signal aswhere d(ω) is the photo-recombination (PR) transition dipole and W (E) is the returning "electron wave packet". Electron energy E is related to the emitted photon energy ω by E = ω − I p , with I p being the ionization potential of the target. Clearly the HHG signal S(ω) and W (E) depend on the laser properties. On the other hand, d (ω) is the property of the target only. The factorization in Eq. (1) is most useful when one compares the HHG spectra from two different targets in the identical laser field. Assuming that the shape of W (E) is species independent, by measuring the relative HHG yields, one can deduce the PR cross section of one species if the PR cross section of the other is known. The validity of Eq. (1) has been shown recently in Morishit...