The influence of the charging effect on the proximity correction in the conductance of a mesoscopic superconductor(S)/normal-metal(N) coupled system is theoretically investigated. The most important contribution of the proximity correction in the conductance of a diffusive normal metal comes from the correction in the local conductivity ␦(r). The correction in the conductance is given by ␦Gϭ(1/L N 2 )͐ vol. ␦(r)dr. Because of the retro property of Andreev reflection and the long rangeness of the Cooperon ͑particle-particle ladder͒, Andreev reflection at the S/N interface affects the local conductivity at a point in the normal region far from the interface ͑within the phase coherence length L ). If the S/N interface is very small and has a low transparency, single Andreev reflection is strongly suppressed by the Coulomb blockade at a low temperature (k B TϽE C , E C ϭe 2 /2C) in an exponential manner exp͕Ϫ4E C /(k B T)͖, where C is the capacitance of the S/N junction. Nevertheless, the proximity correction in the conductance is only suppressed with power law k B T/(4E C ) because the charged state is an intermediate state in the process of the proximity correction in the conductivity. This is quite different from the charging effect on the proximity correction of the current flowing through the S/N interface, which is strongly suppressed by the charging effect.