The dichotomy between fermions and bosons is at the root of many physical phenomena, from metallic conduction of electricity to super-fluidity, and from the periodic table to coherent propagation of light. The dichotomy originates from the symmetry of the quantum mechanical wave function to the interchange of two identical particles. In systems that are confined to two spatial dimensions particles that are neither fermions nor bosons, coined "anyons", may exist. The fractional quantum Hall effect offers an experimental system where this possibility is realized. In this paper we present the concept of anyons, we explain why the observation of the fractional quantum Hall effect almost forces the notion of anyons upon us, and we review several possible ways for a direct observation of the physics of anyons. Furthermore, we devote a large part of the paper to non-abelian anyons, motivating their existence from the point of view of trial wave functions, giving a simple exposition of their relation to conformal field theories, and reviewing several proposals for their direct observation.There are two basic principles on which the entire formidable world of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics resides. First, the world is described in terms of wave functions that satisfy Schroedinger's wave equation. And second, these wave functions should satisfy certain symmetry properties with respect to the exchange of identical particles. For fermions the wave function should be antisymmetric, for bosons it should be symmetric. It is impossible to overrate the importance of these symmetries in determining the properties of quantum systems made of many identical particles. Bosons form superfluids, fermions form Fermi liquids. The former may carry current without dissipating energy, Email address: (Ady Stern).