We present a comparative study of two self-assembled quantum dot (QD) systems based on II-VI compounds: CdTe/ZnTe and CdSe/ZnSe. Using magneto-optical techniques we investigated a large population of individual QDs. The systematic photoluminescence studies of emission lines related to the recombination of neutral exciton X, biexciton XX, and singly charged excitons (X + , X − ) allowed us to determine average parameters describing CdTe QDs (CdSe QDs): X-XX transition energy difference 12 meV (24 meV); fine-structure splitting δ1 = 0.14 meV (δ1 = 0.47 meV); g-factor g = 2.12 (g = 1.71); diamagnetic shift γ = 2.5 µeV/T 2 (γ = 1.3 µeV/T 2 ). We find also statistically significant correlations between various parameters describing internal structure of excitonic complexes.