an energy dependence of the form 1+bW" 1 with an average value of 6=0.17 has also been reported. 20 * 25 " 27 Although this energy dependence is not in serious disagreement with the present measurement, it cannot be reconciled with a recent measurement of the longitudinal ft polarization P= (1.00±0.01)z>/c. 28 Analyzing their results of the /^-polarization measurement, Wenninger et at. 28 concluded an upper limit of 0.008 ±0.025 for the coefficient b. If, however, the shape Measurements of muonic Ka isotope shifts for 29 nuclides are described in detail. In most cases, these measurements provide unique information on changes in the nuclear charge distribution. The model dependence of the changes in rms radii derived from the muonic shifts (necessary for comparison with electronic data) is discussed in detail. The muonic shifts in Sr, Zr, and Sn are compared with the relevant electronic measurements; the Ca isotope shifts are compared with the results of recent electron scattering results. Strong shell effects are confirmed at N=2S and 88, viz., Ca 48 and Sr 88 are found to have smaller rms charge radii than Ca 40 and Sr 86 . Precise values are also obtained for the K-Ca isotone shifts and for the absolute energies of nine Ka transitions.