Contribution/Originality: This study contributes in the existing literature, empirical evidence linking management of educational support services and attainment of Universal Basic Education goals. In Cross River State, no study has documented such relationship with specific focus on guidance/counselling services, teachers' professional development services, library services, and ICT services. 1. INTRODUCTION Universal Basic Education (UBE) is an educationally reformed program of the Nigerian Government which is saddled with the responsibility of providing free, compulsory, and continuous nine years of education at two levels. The two levels are six (6) years of primary and three (3) years of junior secondary. Its legal backing was signed into law in 2004 in order to address governmental needs of providing equal and adequate evolutional opportunities at all levels. UBE encompasses the following levels of education; Early Child Care Development Education (ECCDE), primary education, junior secondary education and non-formal education for adults who have not been opportune to be educated. UBE was designed to ensure that at the end of continuous education, every child who must have passed through the program should have acquired appropriate levels of literacy. Other skills which should have