With growing concerns about global warming and the energy crisis, a variety of photovoltaic devices have attracted worldwide attention as alternative energy sources. Among them, organic–inorganic hybrid photovoltaics, typically mesoscopic and perovskite solar cells, are promising, owing to their potential for low‐cost energy production, which mainly comes from unlimited combinations of materials optimized for each step of solar energy conversion. However, the commercialization of organic–inorganic hybrid solar cells is hampered by costly electrocatalysts or hole‐transport materials. Currently, state‐of‐the‐art dye‐ or quantum‐dot‐sensitized solar cells and perovskite solar cells necessitate noble metals and high‐price polymeric materials. In an attempt to resolve this issue, various kinds of metal compounds have been investigated, and nitrides have been actively reported to possess a number of favorable properties for the aforementioned purpose, such as excellent electrical conductivity and superb electrocatalytic performance. Herein, the use of nitrides as cost‐effective electrocatalysts or hole‐transport materials in organic–inorganic hybrid solar cells is reviewed. Nitrides with a variety of morphologies and scales are discussed, together with the synergistic effect in the case of diverse composites. In addition, prospects and challenges for applying nitride materials are briefly suggested.