In reflux cooling, the steam generated in the reactor core and the water condensed in a steam generator form a countercurrent flow in a hot leg. In order to investigate flow patterns in the hot leg under countercurrent flow conditions, countercurrent air-water tests were previously conducted using a 1/15 th scale model of a PWR hot leg. Numerical simulation results for the tests using a three-dimensional twofluid model in FLUENT6.3.26, implemented with an appropriate set of correlations for the gas-liquid interfacial friction, were in good agreement with the measured data. In the present study, further numerical simulations were carried out for a full-scale hot leg under PWR plant conditions to investigate the effects of pipe diameter and fluid properties. The predicted countercurrent flow limitation characteristics were well correlated with the Wallis parameters and agreed well with the measured data from the 1/15 th scale air-water tests as well as the full-scale steam-water UPTF tests. The results indicate that the set of correlations for the gas-liquid interfacial friction can be utilized to simulate countercurrent flows in the full-scale PWR hot leg.