The quantum speed limit describes how quickly a quantum system can evolve in time from an initial state to a final state under a given dynamics. Here, we derive a generalised quantum speed limit (GQSL) for arbitrary time-continuous evolution using the geometrical approach of quantum mechanics. The GQSL is applicable for quantum systems undergoing unitary, non-unitary, completely positive, non-completely positive and relativistic quantum dynamics. This reduces to the well known standard quantum speed limit (QSL), i.e. the Mandelstam-Tamm bound when the quantum system undergoes unitary time evolution. Using our formalism, we then obtain a quantum speed limit for non-Hermitian quantum systems. To illustrate our findings, we have estimated the quantum speed limit for a time-independent non-Hermitian system as well as for a time-dependent non-Hermitian system namely the Bethe-Lamb Hamiltonian for general two-level system.