Of the (2H + 1) n monic integer polynomials f (x) = x n + a 1 x n−1 + • • • + a n with max{|a 1 |, . . . , |a n |} ≤ H, how many have associated Galois group that is not the full symmetric group S n ? There are clearly ≫ H n−1 such polynomials, as may be obtained by setting a n = 0. In 1936, van der Waerden conjectured that O(H n−1 ) should in fact also be the correct upper bound for the count of such polynomials. The conjecture has been known previously for degrees n ≤ 4, due to work of van der Waerden and Chow and Dietmann. The purpose of this paper is to prove van der Waerden's Conjecture for all degrees n.