Extratropical cyclones that develop rapidly in the northwest Pacific Ocean, called explosive cyclones, have caused storm surges twice recently along the coast of Nemuro Bay, located in northeastern Japan, in 2014 and 2015. As the number and intensity of explosive cyclones have increased over the last three decades near the Japanese archipelago (Iwao, Inatsu, and Kimoto 2012), the frequency of extreme storm surges is anticipated to increase under future climatic conditions. Explosive cyclones formed in the northwest Pacific region can be categorized into three major types (Yoshida and Asuma 2004) based on their evolution: Type-I cyclones develop over the Sea of Japan and travel toward the Sea of Okhotsk, Type-II are generated on the continent and move toward the Pacific Ocean through the Sea of Japan, and Type-III travel northward in the Pacific Ocean along the Japanese archipelago. We performed computational experiments of past storm surges to find statistical fea-tures of local sea levels, depending on the types of the cyclone evolution under a realistic meteorological scenario of winter cyclones, with aim to provide possible sea level rise expected in the northeast Asia.Here, we show that amplification of local sea level, governed by the orientation of coastal lines with cyclone tracks, is defined by the evolution type that is classified by their trajectories, rather than the intensity, of the cyclone. Nemuro Bay is the most vulnerable site in the northwest Pacific region regardless of the evolution type; thus repeated disasters are anticipated therein. Severe storm surges are also expected along certain other semi-enclosed coasts facing the northern Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk due to Type-I cyclones. The probabilistic evaluation of sea levels depending on the cyclone evolution type as introduced in this study may be useful for evaluating potential disasters.