We have developed a model of the nonlinear polariton dynamics in realistic 3D non-planar microcavity wires in the driven-dissipative regime. We find that the typical microcavity optical bistability evolves into multistability upon variation of the model parameters. The origin of the multistability is discussed in detail. We apply linear perturbation analysis to modulational instabilities, and identify conditions for localisation of composite multi-mode polariton solitons in the triggered parametric oscillator regime. Further, we demonstrate stable polariton soliton propagation in tilted and tapered waveguides, and determine maximum tilt angles for which solitons still exist. Additionally, we study soliton amplitude and velocity dependence on the wire width, with a view to engineering quantum photonic devices.PACS numbers:
I. INTRODUCTIONSemiconductor quantum-well (QW) microcavities are 1D photonic crystal structures, specifically designed to control light-matter interactions. The strong coupling cavity-emitter regime of operation is realised when the QW exciton-cavity photon interaction exceeds any dissipative rates in the system. The eigenmodes of the system are mixed, entangled light-matter states that can be viewed as photons 'dressed' with the medium polarisation (exciton); these give rise to bosonic quasiparticles known as microcavity exciton-polaritons. Owing to their photon component, exciton polaritons are extremely light particles. As a result of their excitonic component, however, they exhibit strong repulsive inter-particle interactions, leading to strong nonlinearities nearly four orders of magnitude higher than in typical nonlinear solid-state optical media 1 . The nonlinearities arise primarily from parametric scattering of exciton-polaritons, driven by a Coulomb exchange interaction between polariton-excitonic constituents, with additional, smaller contributions originating from phase space filling 2-4 .Nonlinear self-localisation and coherent propagation phenomena with exciton polaritons in planar microcavities have been extensively studied in recent years. Formation of moving 2D self-localised, non-equilibrium polariton droplets travelling without loss at high speeds (∼ 1% of the speed of light) has been experimentally demonstrated in coherently pumped semiconductor microcavities operating in the strong-coupling regime 5 . These polaritons display collective dynamics consistent with superfluidity. When studying polariton flow around a defect, it has been demonstrated that at high flow velocities, the perturbation induced by the defect gives rise to the turbulent emission of quantised vortices, and to the nucleation of oblique, dark 'quantum hydrodynamic' solitons 6 . Accurate tracking in space and time of long-life (100 − 200 ps) polaritons reveals long-range ballistic propagation and coherent flow over macroscopic distances -from hundreds of µm to millimetres within the cavity 7-9 .It is well known that a high-density and low-temperature gas of microcavity polaritons exhibits effects pertinent t...