Marsh DJ, Wexler AS, Brazhe A, Postnov DE, Sosnovtseva OV, Holstein-Rathlou NH. Multinephron dynamics on the renal vascular network. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 304: F88 -F102, 2013. First published September 12, 2012 doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00237.2012 and the myogenic mechanism combine in each nephron to regulate blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. Both mechanisms are nonlinear, generate self-sustained oscillations, and interact as their signals converge on arteriolar smooth muscle, forming a regulatory ensemble. Ensembles may synchronize. Smooth muscle cells in the ensemble depolarize periodically, generating electrical signals that propagate along the vascular network. We developed a mathematical model of a nephron-vascular network, with 16 versions of a single nephron model containing representations of both mechanisms in the regulatory ensemble, to examine the effects of network structure on nephron synchronization. Symmetry, as a property of a network, facilitates synchronization. Nephrons received blood from a symmetric electrically conductive vascular tree. Symmetry was created by using identical nephron models at each of the 16 sites and symmetry breaking by varying nephron length. The symmetric model achieved synchronization of all elements in the network. As little as 1% variation in nephron length caused extensive desynchronization, although synchronization was maintained in small nephron clusters. In-phase synchronization predominated among nephrons separated by one or three vascular nodes and antiphase synchronization for five or seven nodes of separation. Nephron dynamics were irregular and contained low-frequency fluctuations. Results are consistent with simultaneous blood flow measurements in multiple nephrons. An interaction between electrical signals propagated through the network to cause synchronization; variation in vascular pressure at vessel bifurcations was a principal cause of desynchronization. The results suggest that the vasculature supplies blood to nephrons but also engages in robust information transfer. renal autoregulation; tubuloglomerular feedback; myogenic mechanism; mathematical models; network theory TUBULOGLOMERULAR FEEDBACK (TGF) and the myogenic mechanism combine to regulate blood flow and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in each nephron. Signals from the two mechanisms converge on the contractile mechanism in arteriolar smooth muscle cells, creating an obligatory interaction. Each mechanism is nonlinear and generates self-sustained oscillations of arteriolar vascular resistance and nephron blood flow in normotensive animals (18,26,50); synchronization can arise from the interaction and result in frequency and amplitude modulation (29,31,49). Frequency modulation is an effective signaling mechanism, and amplitude modulation permits the forcing from blood pressure fluctuations to reach the macula densa, providing a coordinated autoregulatory response. The myogenic: TGF frequency ratio takes on discrete integer values in experimental data, an adjustment that most likel...