A pregnant mouse model was developed to follow the course of infection after peroral inoculation with six different strains of Listeria monocytogenes and one strain of Listeria innocua. Tissues were sampled and analyzed by microbiologic and histologic methods for 5 days postinoculation. In gnotobiotic pregnant BALB/c mice, L. monocytogenes Scott A (SA), serotype 4b, colonized the gastrointestinal tract, translocated to the livers and spleens of mice by day 1 postinoculation, and multiplied in these tissues until day 4. Infection of the placental tissues occurred by days 3 and 4 and was followed by infection of the fetuses. Little damage of colonic and cecal tissues was evident by histologic examination. Livers and spleens showed a cellular immune response; a similar immune response was not detected in the placentas or fetuses. A rough variant of L. monocytogenes SA which was as virulent as the parent strain in mice when injected intraperitoneally was less virulent perorally and did not consistently infect the fetuses. L. monocytogenes ATCC 19113, serotype 3a, did not colonize the gastrointet tract, nor was it isolatted fom any internal tssue. L. monocyn es -strains of serotpes 1/2a and 1/2b behaved like the SA strain in this mouse model. L. innocua colonized the gastrointestinal tract and translocated to the livers and spleens but did not survive in these organs and rapidly disappeared without infecting placental and fetal tissues. In comparison with gnotobiotic mice, conventional pregnant mice inoculated with L. monocytogenes strains showed less consistent infection. These results suggest that the gnotobiotic pregnant mouse is a useful model for detecting differences in virulence relating to colonization, invasiveness, and uteroplacental infection which cannot be detected by intraperitoneal inoculation of mice.