N' Dayegamiye, A. and Tran, T. S. 2001. Effects of green manures on soil organic matter and wheat yields and N nutrition. Can. J. Soil Sci. 81: 371-382. A field study was conducted for 5 yr (1993)(1994)(1995)(1996)(1997) to evaluate the effects of green manure residues applied to the soil in 1993 and 1995, on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yields and N nutrition as subsequent crop in 1994, 1996 and 1997. The effect of green manure application was also evaluated on soil microbial activity (CO 2 ), on C and N contents of whole soil and on labile (LF) and heavy fractions (HF) of organic matter (OM). The experiment was initiated on a Le Bras silt loam (Humic Gleysol). The green manures, as a main factor, were clover (Trifolium pratense L.), buckwheat (Fagapyrum esculentum L.), millet (Echinicloa crus galli L.), mustard (Brassica hirta Moench), and colza (Brassica campestris L.), and there was a control without green manure. The sub-factors consisted of four N fertilizer rates for wheat in the subsequent years at 0, 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha -1 . Broadcast application of 15 N-labelled NH 4 NO 3 was made in 90 kg N ha -1 fertilizer treatments. Two green manure applications did not influence the C and N contents of densimetric fractions of OM (LF and HF), but significantly increased those of whole soil, and microbial respiration (CO 2 ). Green manures significantly increased wheat yields and N uptake in 1994 and 1996. Levels of N derived from fertilizer (Ndff) were lower in all green manure treatments as compared to the control, which indicates that the proportion of N derived from soil and green manures (% Ndfs) was higher in these treatments. The contribution of N from green manure varied in the following order: buckwheat < clover < mustard < millet < colza. With the exception of the clover treatment (< 100%), the N recoveries from the other green manure N (NRGM) ranged from 23 to 34% and from 19 to 36 % for 1994 and 1996, respectively. Green manure application provided 15 to 24 kg N ha -1 in 1994 and from 16 to 36 kg N ha -1 in 1996 and this contribution accounted for 25 to 31% of the total wheat N uptake. Significant green manure effects on wheat yield and N nutrition were primarily due to the improvement of soil properties and to high N recoveries from the green manure. In the cold temperate climate of Québec, green manure incorporation into soil in late summer or early fall of the preceding year allowed N synchronization with wheat N needs in subsequent cropping seasons. Nitrogen fertilizer rates could be reduced after the incorporation of green manures having high yields and N contents in the previous season. (FL et FD), mais ont significativement augmenté celles du sol entier, ainsi que la respiration microbienne (CO 2 ). Les engrais verts ont aussi augmenté de facon significative les rendements et les prélèvements en N du blé en 1994 et 1996. Les quantités de l'azote derivé de l'engrais (Ndff) étaient plus faibles dans les traitements avec les engrais verts, en comparaison avec le témoin, ce qui indique que la pro...