This book is dedicated to the coverage of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict by traditional Polish media outlets in 2014 and 2015, and presents the results of my doctoral dissertation. I wanted to study how the selected media and journalists presented and domesticated the events in Ukraine, and also how the parties to the conflict were described. Although the presentation of external wars and armed conflicts by the covering state should be neutral, the scientific literature shows that this is not always the case and that many different factors influence it (see Zelizer and Allan, 2002;Shoemaker and Cohen, 2006). Context-oriented factors, that is those referring to the relationship between the covering and the covered state, as well as event-oriented factors, which are determined by the specific nature of the event, should be taken into account. It seems that both groups of factors might have affected how the Russian-Ukrainian conflict was perceived by Polish journalists. The proximity of the dispute and Poland's ambiguous relations with Ukraine and Russia, as well as the hybrid nature of the event, seem like important things to consider. Context-oriented factors can determine if the recipients will consider a news story as important and relevant to themwhether it is seen as "ours" or "their" event.The role of the media when covering military actions has been quite widely dealt with in the scientific literature (see Eskjaer et al., 2015;Knightley, 2003). How to define what "coverage" means seems clear, but it is strongly dependent on the nature of the event it concerns. It is associated with how events and entities are presented, as well as how much attention the media pays to specific issues, which indicates their news value. This definition will be used for the purposes of my research. One should take into account the fact that wars and armed conflicts are mainly international events (see Cottle, 2009; Ross, 2007), therefore they are covered differently than national issues. Furthermore, the intense, brutal and generally negative character of the phenomenon (see Święs, 2007;Chang et al., 1987) may make it harder for journalists to stay impartial (Russ-Mohl, 2013).How the national media system functions, and the influence of the external environment on it (see Dobek-Ostrowska, 2007;McQuail, 2000; Pokorna-Ignatowicz, 2013), is of considerable importance in the case of the media's coverage. The Polish media system, according to Mancini (2015) and Dobek-Ostrowska (2012), is characterized by hybridity, which puts it close to both the polarized pluralist model and to the liberal model. The way Polish journalists approach a given issue can be influenced by market logic and the political Róa Norström -978-3-631-79027-4 elements of frame analysis resulted in numerical data on the frequency of covered issues and sources of information, along with information about the attributes given to the actors in the dispute and the contexts used by journalists. It seems that using content analysis in this way could, in a sense, minimize...